Mullen Insurance Agency The #1 Insurance Agency For Texas Dealer Bonds & Commercial Auto Insurance Fri, 21 Feb 2025 22:51:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mullen Insurance Agency 32 32 Chargeback Insurance Yes or No? Fri, 21 Feb 2025 15:50:57 +0000 Within the last twelve months, we began to receive multiple questions from our insureds regarding ‘chargeback’ insurance. In my forty plus years of writing insurance for Texas Non-franchised Auto Dealers, few inquiries of this type have been received; however, there seems to be an uptick in this particular exposure for dealers.

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Chargeback Insurance Yes or No?

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

Let's Explore that question Together...

Within the last twelve months, we began to receive multiple questions from our insureds regarding ‘chargeback’ insurance. In my forty plus years of writing insurance for Texas Non-franchised Auto Dealers, few inquiries of this type have been received; however, there seems to be an uptick in this particular exposure for dealers.


take a closer look:

A recent dealer who contacted us described the following scenario:

‘A customer came into his business and bought $12,000 worth of tires with a stolen credit card. The card went through as it had not been reported stolen and the buyer owned $12,000 worth of tires. Several days later, the dealer was notified that the credit card had been stolen prior to the purchase; thus, no $12,000 payment to our dealer.’

The dealer contacted us in hopes there was some sort of coverage for his loss under his garage liability contract; there was not. He referred to his loss as a chargeback and inquired as to where such insurance would be available, assuming it is available.
I am sure we are all familiar with chargeback insurance as it relates to the typical credit card transactions. In those cases, the bank backing the credit card and/or the bank with whom the dealer uses is the first line defense. But, a stolen credit card may include false identity, or other extenuating circumstances.

In an effort to assist our client, we did some investigation as to how dealers may protect themselves from ‘chargebacks’. This is not an area of insurance with which most agents are familiar and we are among ‘most’ agents when it comes to this rather fringe-like insurance that may be needed by some Texas Non-franchised Auto Dealers.

Chargeback-Insurance-Credit cards-Coverage

What are the Facts?

Among the information we discovered are the following facts:**

1.  Chargeback insurance is NOT available via agents, but rather directly written by company carriers.

2.  Our search revealed eight such sources for chargeback insurance. They are:

     a.  Kount – Known for its comprehensive fraud prevention and chargeback protection.
     b.  Chargeback Kurus – Specializes in chargeback analysis and offers detailed insights to help business avoid chargebacks.
     c.  Signifyd – Ideal for ecommerce business
     d.  Verifi – Best suited for merchants who accept Visa
     c.  Sift – Focusing on combating friendly fraud
     e.  Chargebacks911 – Great for high-risk business and those working with affiliates
     f.  Midigator – Known for early detection and resolution of chargebacks
     g.  ClearSale – Helps to reduce false declines and provides fraud protection.

**References- 16 Best Chargeback Protection Services – Fit Small Business**


Want to learn more?

I encourage you to visit the various Internet websites where this subject is explained in greater detail. You may want to begin with the site mentioned above; however, there are many providers with various features and benefits and only you can determine whether or not you need ‘Chargeback Insurance’ and, if so, what plan best fits your unique operation.

I hope this information is helpful and I encourage you to contact our agency with any insurance questions. We may not know the answer, but we can usually locate it for you.

Ann Mullen-Martin, President, Mullen Insurance Agency Inc.

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing quality products with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty plus years. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin
A Division of Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LTD

Mullen Insurance Agency

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Let’s Talk Dealers Open Lot (DOL) Sun, 27 Oct 2024 20:25:35 +0000 Determining the best solution to protect your investment is not difficult IF you are choosing only between single-interest and insurance you obtain separate from your lienholder. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the dealer is better served by working with a specialized agent in choosing the coverages needed and controls he requires. As icing on the cake, it is generally less expensive as well.

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Let's Talk Dealers Open Lot (DOL) Coverage

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

Dealer Inventory Coverage - Laying the Foundation

There are so many directions in which to go when the subject is inventory; my expertise lays in the area of insurance.

To lay a foundation, we’ll begin with the basics that we all know:

  • Your money invested in inventory is immediately at risk once you receive the vehicles.
  • Those risks include: fire, theft, vandalism, collision, hail, windstorm, flood, etc.
  • If you have a lienholder, insurance coverage is required.
  • If you do not provide that coverage, the lienholder will protect themselves only with single-interest insurance. They provide protection for themselves and you pay for it.
Car Sales and Loan Industry

How To Determine the Best Insurance Solution

Determining the best solution to protect your investment is not difficult IF you are choosing only between single-interest and insurance you obtain separate from your lienholder.  Ninety-nine percent of the time, the dealer is better served by working with a specialized agent in choosing the coverages needed and controls he requires.  As icing on the cake, it is generally less expensive as well

Before we even get to the specific perils available, let’s touch on claim payments.  After all, if there were never any claims, no one would need insurance.  Unfortunately, too many dealers do not fully understand their protection until they experience a claim — another good reason to work with a specialized agent.

Some definitions to understand when a claim occurs:

        ACV – That is actual cash value.  MOST individual personal auto policies provide coverage on an ACV basis.   In rare circumstances, a contract may include stated value based on a specific vehicle, perhaps an antique or otherwise ‘out of the ordinary’ insured car.

Most dealer policy benefits are paid either on an ACV basis or what the insured paid for the vehicle, plus betterments and improvements, whichever is less.  The caution here is ‘Be careful when investing in a vehicle for resale.’  If you exceed the ACV, you will not be reimbursed, in the event of a claim, for those funds over and above the ACV.

        AOV – That is the average value per inventory vehicle and a primary number determining your rate.  Total inventory divided by number of cars. 

        MOV – Maximum value per inventory vehicle.  Whatever this number is, the limit paid on any one vehicle will not exceed that number as indicated on your application or in your contract.

Wife and husband choose car in yard of car dealership

Coverage, Perils & Other 'Gotchas'

There is no way to completely explore all the details of the various inventory insurance policies available in one discussion.  So, we’ll touch on just the high spots and I’ll encourage you again to work with an agent who understands the auto dealer business.


  1. Too many dealers do not realize they lack protection from weather perils UNTIL they are hit by a flood or hail storm.
  2. Losses due to weather are more often than not rated on a separate basis AND are subject to different deductibles than other dangers.
  3. It is becoming more difficult to find companies with insurance programs including weather losses as covered perils.
  4. Hail is often excluded in certain counties and, in some programs, statewide.
  5. Theft is another danger one needs to watch closely when choosing inventory protection. Check out the deductible and restrictions applicable to that protection.
  6. Look at the mileage allowance. Is it 300 miles, 500 miles or nationwide?
  7. Are contract drivers included in the security provided? Must they be listed?  Are there age restrictions?
  8. Must you be insured to 100% of inventory investment to prevent a coinsurance penalty in the event of a claim?


You carry $100,000 in inventory physical damage coverage.  You attend an auction or otherwise obtain an additional $20,000 in vehicle investment.  There is a hailstorm before you have an opportunity to report the additional inventory to your insurance carrier.  Only one vehicle is damaged:  $15000 less deductible would be the normal payment if coinsurance requirements were met.  In this instance, $15,000 x .80 = $12,000 – deductible = claim reimbursement.

The same formula would be used if your entire inventory suffered loss.

There are ways to lessen this exposure with a policy that only requires 80% of inventory insured to satisfy a coinsurance penalty; OR a reporting form if the monthly numbers are highly volatile; or a contract insuring only financed or non-financed vehicles; or perhaps some other limiting factor applicable to claim payments, such as insuring only vehicles valued at $15,000 or more – or any specific number.  Some inventory policies can be modified in many ways benefiting the dealer.


  1. Do you need false pretense coverage?
  2. What about a specifically scheduled vehicle?
  3. How much coverage is afforded for an unnamed location?
  4. What about unaccompanied test drives?
  5. What are the age requirements?
  6. And the list goes on.

Every dealer’s operation is unique in some way, whether it is the business plan, the employee make-up, or a dozen other things.

The least expensive and most appropriate protection is best determined by working with an agent who specializes in your niche market and has the desire to understand your insurance budget, needs and choices.

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing quality products with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty plus years. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin
A Division of Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LTD

Mullen Insurance Agency

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

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Transport Claims – Auto Dealers Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:58:17 +0000 In the past, licensed transport companies typically carried all the necessary coverages to protect the dealer who hired them. Those coverages include not only liability, but also CARGO coverage.

For whatever reason, there has been a rash of claims involving physical damage loss while in-transit via licensed transport companies with NO available cargo insurance.

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Transport Claims - Auto Dealers

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

Transport Claims Impacting Auto Dealers Are On The Rise

Dealer insurance non-weather physical damage claims seem to go in cycles. The last ones with the most impact were the thefts of catalytic converters.  Those have now dropped off considerably.  A primary factor in that reduction is ‘you’ the dealer.

My experience has been that our dealers avoid insurance losses as much as possible and once they become aware of the prevalence of a particular type of loss, additional attention is given to preventing the loss. The coverage is important, but every claim is a cost to the insured, whether it is the deductibles, the time required to settle a claim, increase in premiums or just general disruption of the normal day-to-day activities.

Our goal at Mullen Agency includes working toward a decrease in claims while still providing proper coverage at a competitive rate. And we now need DEALER SUPPORT in a specific area:  vehicle thefts and/or damage while in-transit and the care, custody and control of transporters.

Many Transport Companies Are No Longer Carrying Cargo Coverage

In the past, licensed transport companies typically carried all the necessary coverages to protect the dealer who hired them.  Those coverages include not only liability, but also CARGO coverage.  For whatever reason, there has been a rash of claims involving physical damage loss while in-transit via licensed transport companies with NO available cargo insurance.   

This sudden scarcity of in-force cargo insurance is a mystery to me; it could be premium cost to the transporter; it could be whoever is assigning transport carriers requests liability only coverage; it could be any number of things. 

However, the result is the same, our dealers are being hit with claims that should be covered elsewhere but are not.  And we know the ultimate outcome is expensive to our dealers and will become more so – unless corrective action is taken soon.

Car Hauler Filled With Vehicles! Transportation and Logistics! NOMINATED!!

Steps You Can Take As An Auto Dealer

One of the endorsements I’ve seen circulating and being considered requires that the dealer obtain proof of CARGO insurance when hiring transport companies.  As far as I can determine, this endorsement has not yet been activated, but it could be at any time.

It is in everyone’s best interest to immediately begin the practice of requiring proof of CARGO insurance from every transporter you hire. To be certain of that protection, ask for a Certificate of Insurance listing both liability and CARGO coverage.  You may want to take the extra step of calling the agent listed on the COI to verify the policy is in force with CARGO coverage.  Some of our dealers use a dispatching service of some sort. Be certain to verify with them that CARGO is a listed coverage.

We appreciate our dealers and understand that it requires all of us working together to be as efficient and profitable as possible.

Thank you for your business.

Ann Mullen-Martin

President – Mullen Insurance Agency Inc

A Division of Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LTD

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing quality products with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty plus years. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin
A Division of Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LTD

Mullen Insurance Agency

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3 New Law Changes That Impact Texas Dealers Thu, 16 May 2024 22:16:17 +0000 The last Texas legislative session voted into law several changes that affect our dealers’ daily business:

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3 New Law Changes That Impact Texas Dealers

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

The last Texas legislative session voted into law several changes that affect our dealers’ daily business:

1.     Web Dealer Title Transfers will be Mandatory. Effective July 2025, all dealers will be required to transfer their titles on Web Dealer, no longer will we go to the courthouse.
2.     Paper plates will no longer be printed from the Web Dealer platform. Dealers will be required to use metal plates to transfer vehicles rather than a paper tag.
3.     Dealers outside emission counties will NOT be required to have the vehicles inspected. For dealers in an emissions county, like Harris, Montgomery, etc., will be required to have an emissions inspection only.
This information is courtesy of Michael Zak, HIADA.

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

Mullen Insurance Agency

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

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Do I Need Insurance If My Landlord Has Insurance? Fri, 03 May 2024 14:51:52 +0000 The two policy forms most used in Texas are the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Garage Coverage Form. The data included here is based on the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and is not intended to provide all the nuances and/or explanations of every coverage and/or exclusion.

For the purposes of this narrative, we will hit only on the ‘high spots’ and those I believe to be of most interest to the typical Independent Auto Dealer.

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Do I Need Insurance If My Landlord Has Insurance?

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

I'm The Tenant - Why Do I Need Insurance If My Landlord Carries Insurance?

If you are planning to rent a commercial office or dealer location, you need insurance to protect your business and your assets.  Most leases require such insurance before allowing the rental.

WHY:  Your landlord’s commercial insurance policy does not protect YOU or your BUSINESS.  If you are sued or held liable for any action in connection with the operation of YOUR BUSINESS, the landlord’s insurance will not respond.

Landlords are required to maintain the property and keep it safe for you, your employees, and your customers.  They are NOT responsible for your business operations. 

EXAMPLE: A customer’s hand, or that of his child, is accidentally closed in a car door, your landlord’s insurance will not respond, and you could be out of business due to that loss.

To protect you and your landlord, the lessor typically requires that they be included on your insurance as an additional named insured.  Listing the landlord does not take away from your protection, but rather protects him IF he is sued along with you as a result of your business operations. 

This is an inexpensive additional protection for both landlord and tenant. 

EXAMPLE: A customer sues both you and your landlord for a liability loss directly resulting from your business operations.  If your landlord is listed as additional insured, he is exposed to no risk as your carrier will be responding to the claim.

If your landlord is not listed, he must submit the claim to his carrier as well.  Though they WILL DENY coverage, the landlord incurs any damages as a result of claim filing, legal costs if any, time involved in dealing with an unnecessary event.


Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

Mullen Insurance Agency

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

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Why Should You Require Your Tenant To Carry Insurance Thu, 02 May 2024 20:05:03 +0000 So many of our dealer customers also have rental income properties, and that trend is on the increase across the industry. One negative result is dealer-owners getting hit for claims for which they are not or should not be responsible.

The law does not require your tenants to purchase their own insurance. Nonetheless, given its benefits to both landlords and tenants, you, as landlord have the right to require that purchase prior to leasing a property.

The ‘WHY’ is important:
For the purposes of this narrative, we will hit only on the ‘high spots’ and those I believe to be of most interest to the typical Independent Auto Dealer.

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Why Should You Require Your Tenant To Carry Insurance

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas


So many of our dealer customers also have rental income properties, and that trend is on the increase across the industry.  One negative result is dealer-owners getting hit for claims for which they are not or should not be responsible.

The law does not require your tenants to purchase their own insurance. Nonetheless, given its benefits to both landlords and tenants, you, as landlord have the right to require that purchase prior to leasing a property.

The ‘WHY’ is important: A lease requiring your tenant to carry insurance benefits landlords by reducing the landlord’s liability and preventing them from paying for damages outside of their control. The landlord’s liability policy likely won’t cover a tenant’s property if damaged, or someone is injured due to the tenant’s carelessness and/or operation of their business.

However, that does not prevent the injured party from suing everyone in sight.  To increase the landlord’s ability to buy competitively priced insurance, it is typically necessary to require their tenants to carry liability insurance, and to also list the property owner as an additional insured.  This additional protection often has a premium of $50 or less annually and prevents a lot of legal and hassle expense in the event of a claim.

An example of another pitfall of an uninsured tenant is:  A fire or other accident (through no fault of the tenant) causes damage to the tenant’s uninsured personal property, and they have no other recourse to cover the loss of the property or loss of any income.  The first instinct is to come after the building owner whose insurance which may or may pay.  Regardless the cost of attorneys and time are unnecessary expenses if your tenant invests in a policy to cover their business and their business property.  When you require insurance, your tenant will have the option of buying coverage for his personal property, along with many other protections available.



Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

Mullen Insurance Agency

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

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HIADA Event Photos with Mullen Insurance Wed, 20 Dec 2023 14:21:39 +0000 Pictures from a recent HIADA meeting. Ricki Harper from the Mullen Insurance team spoke at the event. It was a great turnout and wonderful to meet with so many dealers.

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HIADA Event Photos with Mullen Insurance

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

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Texas Auto Dealers Coverage Form Tue, 11 Jul 2023 01:23:34 +0000 The two policy forms most used in Texas are the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Garage Coverage Form. The data included here is based on the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and is not intended to provide all the nuances and/or explanations of every coverage and/or exclusion.

For the purposes of this narrative, we will hit only on the ‘high spots’ and those I believe to be of most interest to the typical Independent Auto Dealer.

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Texas Auto Dealers Coverage Form

This helpful article focuses on the two policy forms used most by Texas Auto Dealers

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas


The two policy forms most used in Texas are the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and Garage Coverage Form.  The data included here is based on the Auto Dealers Coverage Form and is not intended to provide all the nuances and/or explanations of every coverage and/or exclusion.

For the purposes of this narrative, we will hit only on the ‘high spots’ and those I believe to be of most interest to the typical Independent Auto Dealer.

The first few pages of every insurance policy are called the Declaration Pages.  These pages will include:


  • The name of the company providing the protection
  • The name of your agent
  • The named insured. Check this area carefully to be certain your business name and address are correctly shown.   If you are to be named individually, your name should be included here.  Be sure your business form is properly indicated as sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership, limited liability company or whatever is the proper designation.
  • The next completed of interest is the premium. Note there is also a section to state whether the policy may be audited and, if so, on what terms.  Most liability policies are subject to annual audit, but more often not, garage policies are NOT actually audited.    You should check this closely to avoid any ‘gotchas’.  Garage premiums are based on, among other things, who works there and what they do.  If a policy is audited, the insurance company will require proof of employee changes, etc.  For instance, if the policy was written with two owners only, but the audit reveals a lot person, a mechanic, someone with a furnished auto, contract drivers, whatever the audited real history is, there will be a premium adjustment made.   The reasoning is: Audited policies provide coverage based on the real circumstances regardless of interim company reporting.  That is rarely true with non-audited garage liability policies, i.e. coverage is provided only as originally presented and subject to whatever endorsements the insured may have requested during policy term.


  • The next pertinent section lists the various coverages available. If there is not a covered auto symbol, a limit and/or a premium shown for a particular coverage, there is no protection provided unless the word ‘included’ is shown in the premium area.
  • Auto Symbols are important. The ones you are most likely to see next to your covered auto limits are:
    1. Symbol 21 — Any auto. This is the broadest auto liability available under a garage policy.
    2. Symbol 22 – Owned autos only and any non-owned trailer attached to an owned vehicle.
    3. Symbol 23 – Private passenger autos only
    4. Symbol 27 – Specifically Scheduled autos, such a service vehicle or designated auto
    5. Symbols 29 – Non-owned autos used in connection with business.
    • The other areas where auto symbols are likely to appear are:
      1. Personal Injury Protection and Un-Underinsured Motorist– Probably 22 or 25 or 26 or 27 – Vehicles subject to non-fault protection requirements.
      2. Auto Medical Payments – Symbol 22 or 27
      3. Garagekeepers -Symbol 30 – Cars you do not owned, but in your care, custody and control for service, repair, storage or safekeeping
      4. Physical Damage – Symbol 31 – Vehicles you own outright or may be financed and/or consignment vehicles held for sale.
  • Areas where premium and/or limits may be listed when coverage is provided:
    1. General Liability
    2. Locations and Operations Medical Payments
    3. Dealers Errors & Omissions
    4. Premium For Endorsements


  • This area lists your location addresses.  Review to be certain they correctly shown and that all locations are listed.  If you have more than three, they may be listed by endorsement

Stay tuned for premium development explanations-





Inventory Physical Damage

Dealers Errors & Omissions

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

Mullen Insurance Agency

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

The post Texas Auto Dealers Coverage Form appeared first on Mullen Insurance Agency.

WHAT ARE MY EXPOSURES? Sun, 25 Jun 2023 18:08:44 +0000 That is a question we hear every day and one we have heard for thirty-plus years. Yes, there are some insurance and bond coverages that are dictated and required by law for every Texas dealer. But, that is only the beginning of the answer.

Your operation is unique to you. Only you, in discussion with an experienced garage insurance agent, can determine what and how much protection you and your business need to satisfy your insurance philosophy and stay within budget.

Let’s begin with those areas determined by State Statue:

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It’s important to understand the exposures of your unique business & how to address the vulnerabilities

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

How To Determine your Exposures

Your exposure to liability and property damage losses is determined by your business plan and goals. Each dealer’s insurance plan should be designed to address the unique vulnerabilities of his/her operation. There are insurance products to extend from the rural mom/pop businesses to multi-location, state-wide ventures.


Dealer Bonds .. Title Bonds .. Notary Bonds .. City Bonds

 Premises Liability .. Auto Liability .. Garagekeepers Liability

Recreational Vehicle Liability

Excess Liability .. Cyber Liability .. Lessor’s Risk Liability .. Wrecker Liability

Damage to Rented Premises

Broad Form Drive Other Car .. Service Vehicle Liability

Medical Payments .. PIP .. UM/UIM Protection

Dealers Errors & Omissions

Directors & Officers .. Employee Practices Liability .. Workers Compensation

Crime Coverage .. Wrecker for Hire ..General Liability

Inventory Physical Damage .. False Pretense .. Cargo

Building .. Contents .. Inland Marine .. Rental Property .. Builders Risk

Flood .. Windstorm .. Theft .. Equipment Breakdown .. Signs

Business Income & Extra Expense


That’s the easy question:

  • Check out the Texas Independent Auto Dealers Association. The education available, as well as the state-level political influence, excellent legal direction, seminars, newsletters, are just a few of the benefits of being a TIADA member.   Typically, TIADA members are among the most educated and successful of all Texas Independent Auto Dealers. 
  • Find an agent who specializes in insurance for the Independent Auto Industry. There are several in the State.
  • Be completely honest with your agent. There are a few people with whom it is always good practice to be completely open and honest.  Your attorney is one, of course, and honesty is usually the best policy in dealing with one’s spouse.  Third on the list must be your insurance agent.  It is most productive to arm your agent with all of the information.  We cannot help our clients protect themselves if we don’t know the real story.
  • Make time for annual reviews of your insurance portfolio to verify that it continues to reflect your operation and protection needs.

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

Mullen Insurance Agency

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The post WHAT ARE MY EXPOSURES? appeared first on Mullen Insurance Agency.

“I am an Auto Dealer.  What insurance do I need?” Sun, 04 Jun 2023 19:14:35 +0000 That is a question we hear every day and one we have heard for thirty-plus years. Yes, there are some insurance and bond coverages that are dictated and required by law for every Texas dealer. But, that is only the beginning of the answer.

Your operation is unique to you. Only you, in discussion with an experienced garage insurance agent, can determine what and how much protection you and your business need to satisfy your insurance philosophy and stay within budget.

Let’s begin with those areas determined by State Statue:

The post “I am an Auto Dealer.  What insurance do I need?” appeared first on Mullen Insurance Agency.


“I am a Texas Auto Dealer.  What Insurance do I Need?”

It’s important to understand the insurance and bonds required by the State of Texas for Auto Dealers.

Picture of Ann Mullen

Ann Mullen

President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas

What Insurance Does An Auto Dealer Need in Texas?

That is a question we hear every day and one we have heard for thirty-plus years. Yes, there are some insurance and bond coverages that are dictated and required by law for every Texas dealer. But, that is only the beginning of the answer.

Your operation is unique to you. Only you, in discussion with an experienced garage insurance agent, can determine what and how much protection you and your business need to satisfy your insurance philosophy and stay within budget.

Insurance & Bonds Required In Texas

Let’s begin with those areas determined by State Statue:

  • $50,000 Dealer Bond. Dealer bonds provide limited protection for the public and range in premium from $150 up per bond term, depending on credit score and availability.  Dealer bonds respond to bad titles, bad drafts and bad checks up to the $50,000 limit.  Bonds are not insurance and, should there be a claim against your bond, you will be held liable for the payment – even if the bonding company pays the claimant.  If a claim is made against a dealer’s bond and the bonding company must make a payment in the dealer’s behalf, the chances of that dealer securing a future dealer bond become negligible.
  • $85,000 Combined Single Limits Auto Liability. The auto liability coverage can provide protection for you, your employees, an uninsured customer up to state minimums and contract drivers when involved in an at-fault accident while operating a dealer-owned auto in conjunction with a dealer’s business.  $85,000 is the minimum limit and appropriate to a small fraction of the Texas Independent Dealer population.   Liability limits are available up to $1,000,000 CSL and Excess Liability contracts can extend that protection exponentially.  Some dealers utilize Excess Liability policies to inflate the limits to as much as $25,000,000 CSL, depending on individual assets, company structure and their attorneys’ recommendations.
  • $85,000 Combined Single Limits Un/Under-insured Motorist Protection. Again, the $85,000 is the minimum required or must be rejected in writing.  Typically, UM/UIM limits are available up to the primary policy limits.  If involved in a non-fault auto accident, the under-insured motorist protection will apply in excess of the primary coverage provided by the at-fault party’s insurance.   For instance, the at-fault party carries $85,000 primary limits; those primary limits must be exhausted before your underinsured coverage will respond.  Once the underinsured coverage is triggered, additional protection is available up to whatever amount of underinsured coverage you carry.  In some states, a credit is taken against the insured’s UM limit for the amount of coverage provided by the at-fault party’s limit, but not so in Texas.  In other words, your limits are on top of the at-fault party’s limits.  The uninsured coverage will apply to non-insured at fault parties, as well as hit-and-run situations.
  • $2,500 Personal Injury Protection. $2,500 is the minimum offered, but it can be increased to $10,000, depending on the carrier.    Personal Injury Protection is first-party insurance coverage that will pay the insured’s medical bills, lost earnings, and other financial losses when injured in a car accident, including lost wages and/or funeral expenses. PIP will also pay the passengers’ medical bills if they are hurt in the crash. In Texas, PIP coverage is required, but can be rejected in writing.

…And that keeps the State happy —-

 But barely scratches the surface of what you may need…

Stay Tuned for “What are my Exposures?”

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help

Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing a quality product with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty-three years.  That goal remains and the chosen replacement products meet our standards and our clients’ needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact me.  I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments.  If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know.  [email protected] or

If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit or give us a call at 972-681-6297.

Ann Mullen-Martin

If you found this article helpful, feel free to share it with others using the buttons below for social media, email or to print a copy. 

The post “I am an Auto Dealer.  What insurance do I need?” appeared first on Mullen Insurance Agency.
