Ann Mullen
President at Mullen Insurance Agency, Inc. - Garland, Texas
Let's Explore that question Together...
Within the last twelve months, we began to receive multiple questions from our insureds regarding ‘chargeback’ insurance. In my forty plus years of writing insurance for Texas Non-franchised Auto Dealers, few inquiries of this type have been received; however, there seems to be an uptick in this particular exposure for dealers.

take a closer look:
A recent dealer who contacted us described the following scenario:
‘A customer came into his business and bought $12,000 worth of tires with a stolen credit card. The card went through as it had not been reported stolen and the buyer owned $12,000 worth of tires. Several days later, the dealer was notified that the credit card had been stolen prior to the purchase; thus, no $12,000 payment to our dealer.’
The dealer contacted us in hopes there was some sort of coverage for his loss under his garage liability contract; there was not. He referred to his loss as a chargeback and inquired as to where such insurance would be available, assuming it is available.
I am sure we are all familiar with chargeback insurance as it relates to the typical credit card transactions. In those cases, the bank backing the credit card and/or the bank with whom the dealer uses is the first line defense. But, a stolen credit card may include false identity, or other extenuating circumstances.
In an effort to assist our client, we did some investigation as to how dealers may protect themselves from ‘chargebacks’. This is not an area of insurance with which most agents are familiar and we are among ‘most’ agents when it comes to this rather fringe-like insurance that may be needed by some Texas Non-franchised Auto Dealers.

What are the Facts?
Among the information we discovered are the following facts:**
1. Chargeback insurance is NOT available via agents, but rather directly written by company carriers.
2. Our search revealed eight such sources for chargeback insurance. They are:
a. Kount – Known for its comprehensive fraud prevention and chargeback protection.
b. Chargeback Kurus – Specializes in chargeback analysis and offers detailed insights to help business avoid chargebacks.
c. Signifyd – Ideal for ecommerce business
d. Verifi – Best suited for merchants who accept Visa
c. Sift – Focusing on combating friendly fraud
e. Chargebacks911 – Great for high-risk business and those working with affiliates
f. Midigator – Known for early detection and resolution of chargebacks
g. ClearSale – Helps to reduce false declines and provides fraud protection.
**References- 16 Best Chargeback Protection Services – Fit Small Business**

Want to learn more?
I encourage you to visit the various Internet websites where this subject is explained in greater detail. You may want to begin with the site mentioned above; however, there are many providers with various features and benefits and only you can determine whether or not you need ‘Chargeback Insurance’ and, if so, what plan best fits your unique operation.
I hope this information is helpful and I encourage you to contact our agency with any insurance questions. We may not know the answer, but we can usually locate it for you.
Ann Mullen-Martin, President, Mullen Insurance Agency Inc.

Mullen Insurance Agency Is Ready To Help
Our clients can rest assured, knowing our priority is providing quality products with a competitive premium as we have done for the last thirty plus years.
Do not hesitate to contact me. I’m eager to receive your feedback, questions and comments. If you have specific subjects or insurance concerns you would like to discuss, please let me know. [email protected] or www.mulleninsurance.com.
If you’d like additional information on insurance for your business or you’d like to request a quote, please visit https://mulleinsurance.com/#Insurance-quote or give us a call at 972-681-6297.
Ann Mullen-Martin
A Division of Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LTD

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