Texas Workers Comp Insurance
A key part of running your business is keeping employees safe at work. However, if a worker does suffer an injury, workers compensation coverage provides you and your employees with important protection.
Workers compensation coverage is an insurance program that covers lost wages and medical treatment resulting from an employee’s work-related injury or illness. It also covers services needed to help an employee recover and return to work.
Workers’ compensation insurance benefits can include:
• Lifetime medical benefits for necessary treatment of compensable injuries and illnesses • Disability income benefits for a specified period of time and up to dollar limits set by law • Limited funeral expenses for workers killed on the job • Death benefits for surviving dependents of workers killed on the job.
For more information on coverage including the option and potential consequences of not having insurance, please read are helpful article on ‘Why You Should Buy Workers Comp Insurance‘.We Offer the Best Workers Comp Coverage in Dallas and all of Texas
At Mullen Insurance Agency, we’ll go to work for you to find the best insurance policy for you and your business.
We are an independent insurance agency which allows us to compare a wider variety of options to find you the best coverage at an affordable price.
You can request an insurance quote by clicking the request a quote button below or by giving us a call at 972-681-6297. We look forward to hearing from you!